Social Engagement:
Preserving our history
Local and national historic designations in the riverfront by year
Part of what makes the riverfront so significant is the stories it tells about our past. Each time an eligible property is designated as a local or national landmark, a part of our history is saved to tell its stories to future generations.
2014-15 saw a significant wave of historic designations in the riverfront corridor (see chart above). Four designations were made - two for properties in the Upper River, one for a property in the Central Riverfront, and one for an entire district near the Central Riverfront.
source: MRP analysis of City of Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission Minutes, 2005-2015
Riverfront Historic Designations, 2014-2015
1 Camden Park State Bank: local designation
705 42nd Avenue North
designation study | listing on city website
Photo courtesy City of Minneapolis
The Camden Park State Bank building was built to house a community hall, a bank, and other uses. Throughout the 1920s and 30s the building was a centerpiece of Camden’s commercial district, at the six-way intersection of Washington Avenue North, Lyndale Avenue North, 42nd Avenue North, and Webber Parkway. During the construction of Interstate 94, the intersection was reconfigured and Camden’s entire business district was demolished, except for this and two other buildings.
2 North Side Station: local designation
2418 Washington Avenue North
designation study | listing on city website
The North Side Station is the sole remaining streetcar facility from the heyday of streetcar expansion in the region. Other stations along Nicollet, Lake, Snelling, and in Northeast (the old Superior Plating site) have been demolished. The North Side Station was designated as a local historic landmark in 2015. It currently supports light industrial uses.
Photo courtesy Minnesota Streetcar Museum. Used with permission.
3 Cameron Transfer and Storage Building: national historic designation
756 4th Street North
nomination and registration form | listing on National Park Service website
Photo courtesy National Park Service
Cameron Transfer and Storage was developed as part of the larger warehousing area. The structure was built between 1909 and 1911, a time when wood post-and-beam construction gave way to concrete mushroom capital construction. The building is a rare example that incorporates both construction methods. The building was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2014; developer Schafer Richardson is turning the long-vacant structure into 44 units of workforce housing.
4 Dinkytown: local historic district designation
designation study | listing on city website
After considerable debate about whether and how to protect the historic resources of Dinkytown, the City of Minneapolis established a historic district centered around 14th Ave SE and 4th St SE (see map). The area is a primary commercial district for the U of M, and easily connects to the riverfront via the new Dinkytown Trail, which opened in 2013.
Source: MRP analysis of Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission minutes, 2014-15
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